A downloadable game for Windows



WSAD (紅)


IKJL (紫)

↑↓←→ (黃)

1. 太空人可以藉由推動竿子,決定砲管旋轉方向。


3. 如果已經壓縮回收了一些垃圾後,可以按下船底中間的按鈕,可以將垃圾丟回地球,如果丟到工廠,工廠就會爆炸。


5. 垃圾往下要是打到工廠地上的工廠就會爆炸。




This is a local multiplayer game where four astronauts pilot a spaceship to collect garbage, accumulate it at the bottom of the ship, and then shoot it back to Earth.

The four players' control keys are:

  • WSAD (Red)
  • TGFH (Blue)
  • IKJL (Purple)
  • Arrow keys (Yellow)

1.Astronauts can use a lever to determine the direction of the cannon's rotation.

2.The middle control lever operates the garbage collection claw. On the other side of the lever, there is a small button. Pressing it will activate the shark-mouth compressor, which will clamp down on the garbage. Once the garbage is secured, you can press the button below to throw the garbage downward.

3.After compressing and collecting some garbage, players can press the button in the middle of the ship's bottom to throw the garbage back to Earth. If it lands in a factory, the factory will explode.

4.The buttons at the bottom right and bottom left control the ship's left and right engine thrust.

5.If the garbage falls and hits a factory on the ground, the factory will explode.


TrashGame.zip 628 MB


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Wow, looks amazing guys, keep it up! You are WINNERS! And so young. You are all so young. I am old with children and laying in bed with my hair falling out and you are young and doing a game jam. Go go go, my children!